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2014. Designer and entrepreneur Pascal Léger engages in launching an aerospace company. 5 years away from the Apollo 11 Moon landing 50th anniversary, Pascal registered the company Luna Aircraft which goal is to produce a space vehicle which shape is inspired by the helmet of the first men on the Moon. In 2017 when the choice of propulsion is to be made, Pascal discovers a technology long understood but never made public for it would be too disruptive for conventional space engine manufacturers: the electromagnetic impulsion. Propelant-less, fast and quiet, this technology is with no doubt in Pascal's mind the future of aerospace, in fact, of mankind! Among the 5 laboratories involved with such engine solution, Pascal selects Satellite Propulsion Research (SPR Ltd.) and its EmDrive Thruster for it is the only such technology which has been peered-reviewed by NASA. September 2017, Roger Shawyer the inventor of the EmDrive and president of  SPR Ltd. welcomes Pascal and swiftly shares his data and insights on how his technology can achieve Moon flights and contribute to the transportation industry on Earth and beyond. By 2019, Luna Aircraft has all information to launch its Luna PAV (Personal Air Vehicle) and Luna PSV (Personal Space Vehicle), and Pascal decides to first introduce to the public the EmDrive concept via an exhibition opening for the 50th anniversary celebration of Apollo 11. Named "LunApollo" this show is to inspire a promotion of Luna Aircraft R&D and spacecraft construction through the arts, from tales to kindergarteners' painting workshop, and 3D industrial design to animation productions. In 2022, Pascal has, with the dedication of Roger, completed the gathering all data and manufacturing information necessary to start fundraising the Luna Aircraft first program branded "LunApollo" for a reason which support the beautiful 1963 UN initiative of JFK to bring together all nations in the conquest of Space, hence having Russian "Luna" program joining the American program "Apollo". With the LunApollo Program and its the baseline "Together in Space", Pascal engage in 2023 with the fundraising process of his dream of a spacecraft with electromagnetic impulsion for all nations to reach for the Moon! 

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The LunApollo program



The LunApollo program by Luna Aircraft is an aerospace technological project promoted by the arts. Technology and arts are to be featured in a site showcasing the various works related to the LunApollo program be it exhibition, storytelling material, film production, spacecraft design, propulsion and impulsion engines testing or the planning and implementation of a Moon mission. Hereafter are these works executed over a 8 years period, from 2014 till 2022 and to be presented in 2023 at the LunApollo Space Resort.

2014 - Planning of an aerospace company


2016 - Luna Aircraft Registration


2017 - The tale of LunApollo   

2018 - LunApollo Exhibition


2019 - Chick Apollo Space Center


2019 - Luna PAV Presentation


2019 - Luna PSV Presentation

2022 - LunApollo Program Launch

2023 - LunaCrowd Funding Launch


2024 - LunApollo 2024 Xmas Special

2024 - LunApollo Space Resort Earth Building

2025 - Luna UAV Construction

2026 - LunApollo Space Resort Earth Opens

2027 - Luna PSV Construction

2028 - Luna PAV Construction

2029 - LunApollo Event 2029

2029 - Luna PSV Public Moon Cargo Launch 

2030 - Luna Spaceways

2030 - Luna PSV Manned Moon Mission

2031 - LunApollo Space Resort Moon Building

2034 - LunApollo Space Resort Moon Opens

LunaCrowd Budget & Fundraising Process

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