Luna Aircraft - Story
Once upon an era of intense creativity and technological wonders, Tess Angeles is dining at the cafeteria of her college, California Institute of the Arts, known as Calarts. Then came a pivotal moment in her life : the TV airs the Pentagon Tic Tac UFO footage chase by jets from the US Air Force. Tess creative mind is lit up and she rushed to her desk in the Disney Animation Dpt. to search the web for information on vehicles with amazing technologies. Names pop up! Nikola Tesla, Otis Carr, Thomas Towsend Brown, Viktor Schauberger, John Searl, to name a few. As the sun rises on the nearby town of Valencia, Tess is another person, convince of a wide, planetary, cover-up of new sciences which could change mankind's transportation in space and even time... She concentrates and feeling that the disclosure of any of these sciences would equate to opening a pandora box, she seeks a propulsion technology that would not be too disruptive, and soon identify it as the EmDrive, a propellantless engine that does not show too radical speed and mechanical features, yet can lift-off from your roof top for a trip to the Moon and back in just 3 days! Tess contacts the inventor of the EmDrive, Roger Shawyer, who genuinely shares his knowledge and soon comes up with a presentation illustration by Tess the Personal Space Vehicle (PSV) Programme Proposal, a space programme for the first public tourist spacecraft under the Luna Aircraft brand and with one motto : "For all nations to go to the Moon and beyond..." While Roger check on the availability of all parties involve at the engineering and construction phases of the Luna PSV, Tess goes on creating a promotional content mixing events, advertizing, animation TV series and feature films and a theme park all based on two tales: “The tale of LunApollo” and “The tale of Luna Aircraft”. To get the credibility she needs to convince investors from Silicon Valley to join Luna Aircraft endeavour, Tess visits Caltech, California Institute of Technology. As she wonders in front of the Astrophysics Dpt. building, a young man questions a long-haired professor on the existence of extra-terrestrial life... to what the wise man responds : "God surely did not put all his eggs in the same basket." As the professor exits, Tess and the young student face each other. The intuitive Tess reaches out, introduced herself and explains her "artistic" project turning into a rather reel aeronautical industrial programme. As she end her passionate introduction and wonders "Would you be interested to join?" the young man hold his hand to seal the "deal" saying with a bright smile : "Larry O'Brian, to your service." Tess shakes his hand profusionnaly, before a laid back Larry invites of for a coffee so they can plan this Luna Aircraft enterprise. As they share views, Tess discovers the wonderful spirit of Larry as he contributes to both the industrial management of the production of the Luna PSV craft and an innovative communication. Astrophysicist as well as an astronaut to be, Larry is as modest and low key as Tess is talkative and hyperactive, yet with pauses of deep concentration. With Larry joining Tess and Roger, the Luna Aircraft team is now complete. Time to put the "show" in motion! Over a conference call, Larry gets to meet Roger who briefs the two your entrepreneurs on the UK engineering team he has assembled to design and produce the Luna PSV aircraft. Among the companies up to challenge are Satellite Propulsion Research Ltd. with Roger at its helm, Gilo Industries, ........, the Cornwall Spaceport and the Goonhilly Earth Station. On her end, and at the surprise of Larry, Tess had managed to not only design some events and entertainment concceptss but also engage the production phases with commitment to produce mock-up crafts for the theme park from Las Vegas based Scroggins Aviation, animated TV series and specials from Epochink Company, and even from local kindergarten schools for the programme “Chick Apollo Space Center”
2017. Calarts. Tess and George, “G”, (artists/animation students) watch the “Tic Tac” UFO report on TV.
Tess and G discover the propulsion technologies (and others) cover-up on a planetary scale: N.Tesla, O. Carr, TT Brown, J. Searl…
Checking Caltech and finding it scientifically too “conservative” to “make it happen!” Calarts is the way!... for now.
Choosing Roger Shawyer’s EmDrive technology as the first, simplest (yet NASA tested), step for a UFO disclosure “chain reaction”.
Roger genuinely teaming up with Tess and G via his company Satellite Propulsion Research (SPR Ltd.).
At Roger’s request, Tess and G agree to be subject to the UK MoD background check / Men In Black (MIB) online.
SPR Ltd. drafts the Personal Space Vehicle (PSV) Programme Proposal to travel to the Moon and back propellantlessly!
Tess completes “The tale of LunApollo” and G “The tale of Luna Aircraft”.
Tess and G drop out of college to fund Luna Aircraft Corp.
Roger confirms an UK based EmDrive R&D laboratory as the easiest path to get UK MoD approval. Tess and G label it "EmDrive Motors".
UK Gilo Industries is officially in for aerospace sub-contracting service to design and build the Luna PAV.
Goonhilly Earth Station of the UK confirms its offering of services to Luna Aircraft Corp. for its lunar endeavours.
With SPR Ltd. PSV Proposal, Gilo Industries, Goonhilly Earth Station, Luna Aircraft is up for fund raising.
Deck presentation in LA and SF to high tech investment companies: Tess and G are "laugh at" or subject to push back!
"Never mind!" the two entrepreneurs go. Luna Aircraft Corp. is registered as an aerospace start-up at Mojave Spaceport / MIB tailing.
Las Vegas based Scroggins Aviation joins in to produce the UAV and PAV mock-ups.
Night in Vegas. Magic angel investor offers to cover the $30 Million Phase 1 budget! Party time!!!
The FBI raids G’s LA beach condo! “It’s him” states an immune to prosecution Las Vegas “angel" / MIB agent.
As CEO of Luna Aircraft Corp. G is charged with drug money laundering?!! and jailed (a MIB classic trip to squash inventors).
Tess panics and finds refuge in a LA Korea Town sauna (Tess is a Korean/Irish national) and places an international phone call: “Omma!”
Over a diner in K-Town, Tess is "joined" and blackmailed by the MIB “angel”: “Drop it and your friend goes free.”
The next morning, a red convertible Bentley takes Tess to Korean mob boss who greets her: “Daring little sister”…
Mob boss is the cover for an ex-CIA agent turned White Hat. He takes Tess to an elevator ride, 11 floors below!
Boss exposed Tess to reverse engineered UFOs propulsions and crafts: “We now have the technology to take ET home*”.
Tess is shown among other vehicles, the Fluxliner, the TR-3B, the S4 Sport Model, the Klarer Light. “I could feel all of them…” she thinks.
Boss brings Tess back to the surface and states: “Many millennium kids can feel it too. You and G can bring it to the public like we can’t… You see, we know too much, we have been compromised along the way by not blowing the whistle… We can only act in your shadow… You are genuine… Your vision to incrementally disclose “exotic” technologies, starting with the EmDrive, is right on! Do it! We have your back Daring Little Sister.”
Tess finds G in her flat! White Hats paid his $1 Million bail!... while the “angel” was “taken out!... by a saucer like spacecraft!!!”
Tess and G spend the night designing, her, a Moon Art Exhibition, and him, the Luna PAV Presentation.
Luna Aircraft is to be a non-profit corporation teaming with US based Korean Tech & Media companies.
Hyundai Motor for the transportation (air, space) industrial programs.
LG Electronics plasma screen technology for the Vegas show and for a Moon Art Exhibition.
Samsung Galaxy for communication equipment on Earth, on the Moon and beyond!
Funding a space program via entertainment productions.
Animation Xmas TV Special/EmDrive tech promoted via “The tale of LunApollo”.
Advertising Luna Aircraft/EmDrive Motors in a Start Trek style.
Unmanned Air Vehicle as a Las Vegas permanent show/EmDrive public awareness.
Online “spacecraft design” UNESCO backed program for kindergarten kids: “Chick Apollo Space Center”.
As Korean corporations are “shy” to join in (shareholders are it!) Tess and G go crowdfunding!
In no-time, the Luna PAV Phase 1 $30 Million fund is in!!! to support an adventure that will initiate a planetary disclosure with a baseline: “For flying cars to finally open the 3rd dimension to all!”
Korean corporations join the $150 Million Luna PAV Phase 2 at 25% while the remaining 75% are "By and for the People!"
2027. Luna Aircraft launches its spaceline company, Luna Spaceways, with the Luna PAV first public lift-off!
2029. UNESCO HQ Paris, France, and the Kennedy Space Center, FL. feature live the “LunApollo Event” which introduced to the world on this July 20th, 2029 for the 60th anniversary of Apollo 11 Moon landing, the Luna Aircraft 7 years and $750 Million Phase 3 Luna PSV program and its completed spacecraft with its motto: “For all nations to reach for the Moon and beyond…”
* Ben Rich, President of Skunkworks, Lockheed Martin advanced research division, UCLA, Alumni meeting 1993.
Note: All companies named above exist and most of their leaders agreed in writing to be part of the Luna Aircraft development.