The tale of Luna Aircraft
Valencia, California, Mars 20st, 2022
On this first day of Spring 2022, the California Institute of the Arts and the California institute of Technology, respecfully know as Calarts and Caltech, are simultaneously hosting the exhibition "The tale of Luna Aircraft" by artist and engineer, Tess Angeles and Larry O'Brian. Their show consist of a replica of the monolith featured in Stanley Kubrick's "2001, a space odyssey" and presents in a digital interactive fashion their five years study on producing a "genuine and intuitive" aerospace program based on the propellantless EmDrive propulsion system with its motto being "For all nations to go to the Moon and beyond...". As you approach the monolith black sculpture, it lits up and invites you to visit various links introduced in a storytelling fashion, These links include the following (click on to access) artistic and technical presentations in the form of tales and engineering proposals :
- The tale of LunApollo
- Personal Luna PSV (Personnal Space Vehicle) Programme Proposal
- The tale of Luna Aircraft
- Luna PAV (Personal Air Vehicle) Presentation
- Chick Apollo Space Center
- Moon Art Exhibition
- LunApollo Event
To allow this event to take place, various companies contributed financially and technically or as consultant to "The tale of Luna Aircraft" content. Here of the list of the contributors :
- Satellite Propulsion Research Ltd.
- LG Venture USA
- Hyundai Motors UK
- Samsung Research Center
- Scroggins Aviation
- Gilo Industries
- Goonhilly Earth Station
- Mojave Spaceport
- Cornwall Spaceport
- Kennedy Space Center
and of course
- Calarts
- Caltech
Over our interview with Tess and Larry, they insisted that none of their research would have led to the current exhibition and its aerospace project if it was not for great souls of such beings as Nikola Tesla, Otis Carr, Thomas Towsend Brown, Viktor Schauberger, John Searl and Brian O'Leary, to name a few. Their genuine productions are the base on which today generation of artists, scientists and engineers can, in the authors own words, "design and built a truly sustainable air and space transportation system".
Concluding The tale of Luna Aircraft interactive exhibition is a link to a crowfunding site to raise money "to make this aerospace programme real!" Last but not least, Tess and Larry have established at the Mojave Spaceport the non-profit corporation "Luna Aircraft Corp." which Board of Directors outlined in the company status a R&D programme that specifies Phase 1 "Proof of Concept" (POC), leading to a first public EmDrive propelled drone, for a $30 Million budget, then Phase 2 "Luna PAV", the first public EmDrive air taxi, at $150 Million, and finally Phase 3 "Luna PSV", the first public Emdrive spacecraft for anyone to go to the Moon and back in 3 days, costing $750 Million. Larry O'Brian : "It might seems like a lot of money, yet, it is a fraction of what the aerospace industry spend yearly, and the EmDrive technology research it funds will indeed fulfill Neil Armstrong's iconic words and factually produce "... a giant leap for mankind.". Thank you to join, in the millions!!!, to create this fund and, by 2029, celebrate a new kind of lift-off to the Moon!"
"Luna Aircraft is a Californian based non-profit corporation operating on an R&D open source system for all students in the arts and in sciences and engineering to benefit our efforts for all to soon enjoy a happy planetary society on Earth!"
Tess Angeles and Larry O'Brian, Co-founders of Luna Aircraft Corp., Mojave Desert, December 25th, 2021.