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Luna Spaceways is born from the need to support the development and the production of Luna Aircraft first Moon flight carrier commercial model, the Luna PSV.
The Luna PSV being propelled by electromagnetic technology, there was a need to create a market to have it enter into commercial services. With its remarkable performances based on propellant-less propulsion allowing weekly Moon missions for 3 astronauts of for 3 tons of cargo, the Luna PSV is one of its kind in the aerospace industry.

Luna Aircraft BOD decided to create Luna Spaceways as a mean to attract investors able to invest $1 billion for a stake in the lunar commercial carrier. That investment will allow Luna Aircraft to provide Luna Spaceways with 2 Luna PSV for cargo missions by 2029. Considering other aerospace companies Moon related investments, Luna Spaceways is to lead for new lunar carrier solutions. Moon missions will operate from 2029 at a pace of 2 lunar flights weekly, and at a pace of 1 Moon flight weekly for manned missions. Each manned mission would require one craft for the 3 astronauts while a second one would always be within reach of the first in case of emergency. That would allow from 2029 Luna Spaceways to market to various clients, companies or individuals, 3 weekly lunar flights, 2 cargo and 1 manned.
Luna Spacways is committed to provide such lunar services by the end of this decade with a R & D and construction period is of 7 years managed by Luna Aircraft and its aeronautics industrial engineering and construction partners.
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